"When the world seems to be falling apart, hang on to your own ideals and find kindred spirits. That's a rule of life." I love the 'find kindred spirits' part of this quote... even if the world is not falling apart.
Well, after the unpacking, it will be a place to come home to. My new favorite hang-out--only 2 miles away--HomeDepot--now that's location, location, location. Working on painting the kitchen a Hersey's Milk Chocolate Brown--hoping to offset the cabinets and cream counter & floor. My sis's famous words--do it, it's only a can of paint. The quilt frame awaits needle & thread.
Enjoying life in the Midwest through too many passionate hobbies that include quilting, reading, books on tape, photography, writing, scrapbooking, cardmaking, knitting, painting. Never let the hands go idle, or the mind will follow.